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The OCS is excited to announce a series of lectures by Prof. Peter Y. K. Lam introducing the history of Chinese ceramics through archaeological sites in Hong Kong. (Read more about this six-part series)

This first lecture of the series will introduce participants to Chinese ceramics and early traditions, and will include definitions of some technical terms and jargon in Chinese ceramic art, general development of ceramics in China over the millennia, methodology in the study and connoisseurship of Chinese ceramics. 

Prof. Peter Y. K. Lam is Honorary Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before his retirement in 2013 he had been with the Art Museum of the Chinese University for four decades and was its Director for fourteen of those years.

NOTE: To register for this single lecture, please register by clicking on the REGISTER button below.  To register for the entire series of six lectures at the discounted rate, please register on the lecture series page.

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