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Registration: 6:30 – 7:00pm
Lecture: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Dinner: 8:00pm
Place: The Hong Kong Club


The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong is pleased to announce an upcoming lecture by Sam Marsh, who will explore the fascinating world of Chinese silver and pewter. This presentation will delve into the intricacies of Chinese metalwork, highlighting notable examples of pewter vessels adorned with brass inlay, as well as exquisite pieces of Chinese Export silver.

In this lecture, Marsh aims to provide valuable insights into the classification and dating of these often-overlooked subjects. Attendees can look forward to a deeper understanding of the artistic and historical significance of these materials, showcasing their unique craftsmanship and cultural importance in the context of Chinese art history.


Sam Marsh and his wife Marion are dentists from England who began collecting art in the 1970’s in Hong Kong, where they were mentored by dealer and collector Adrian Joseph. Initially, focused on collecting wooden brushpots, Sam and Marion soon evolved to including porcelain, particularly 17th-century scholar’s items. After returning to England in 1978, they intensified their collecting efforts in London. In addition to their porcelain collection, they have amassed a growing collection of pewter and silver wares. Their dedication to their craft culminated in 2022 with the publication of Brushpots: A Collector’s View. Sam has shared his expertise through talks in both London and Jingdezhen.


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